University Hospital, WUERZBURG
Carola Förster, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Academic director for basic research at Clinics of Anaesthesia and critical care, Würzburg university hospital. Diploma in Biochemistry, PhD in Biochemistry, Institute of Biotechnology, Research Centre Jülich/ Institute of Biochemistry, University of Cologne, Germany. Post doc fellow 1999-00 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, and 2000-03, Department of Medical Nutrition, Karolinska Institute. 2007 lecture qualification for subject: Histology and Cell Biology. Present position: 2008- Associate professorship for Molecular Medicine, University hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. This position is devoted to lead and develop research in the field of molecular medicine. Her position as university professor includes supervision of MD and PhD-students and postdocs as well as teaching undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level in the subjects of molecular medicine and molecular neurophysiology and cell biology. CF´s research has been mainly focused in studying cell physiology of the cerebral blood vessels and with a special emphasis on its permeability regulation at the level of transport processes and cellular adhesion molecules in physiology and disorders like Neuroinflammation, Ischemic brain injury, brain cancer, comorbidities of heart failure. CF is moreover devoted to characterization of the related neurovascular barriers in the eye and inner ear.
Research Interest
heart failure